About Us

Who We Are


Our Domestic Helper

We do things differently.

We profile our helpers

We profile our domestic helpers when the employers select them. We will advise the employer if we deem the match to be unsuitable.

We are an ethical company

We are an ethical company that conducts  honest and transparent business. We help both employers and domestic helpers. No  tricks, no false promises, no hidden agendas.


We have very thorough job details specifications

In addition to the industry standard Job Order, we have a very thorough Job Details specification for both parties to agree on, minimising mismatch and misunderstandings after deployment.

We step in to help

If issues arise after deployment, we will step in to help. We will  counsel the domestic helper to mediate. As long as employers have treated the helpers fairly, we will not take the easy way out and ask helpers to "just quit".

We serve with integrity and dedication.


Our Team

We are here with you, for you.

Joseph Tan

Founding Director

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Joseph is a skilled entrepreneur who is committed to providing holistic and innovative solutions. In his professional career, his foresight and leadership enabled him to lead strong businesses and oversee their operations.

Based on his personal experience as an employer of foreign domestic helpers, he had identified the need for a company with a heart for both household and helper. Hence, he established Our Domestic Helper Pte Ltd to provide swift and holistic employment services for employers. He also aims to equip foreign domestic helpers with high-quality home care skills through a thorough training programme, customised to the needs of each household.  

Joyce Sng

Sales Manager

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Having been in this industry for over 16 years, Joyce has a wealth of experience. Joyce is an adept communicator whose multilingual abilities enable her to communicate effectively with both employers and foreign workers.

For every household, Joyce is dedicated to finding the best domestic helper to match your needs.